Sunday, March 9, 2014

Your Daily Giant 6/16/2013

Today's Daily Giant is from the Weekly Thibodaux Sentinel, December 21, 1901 pg 3. An interesting account of a giant skeleton found in a New York State cave is given. From the article, "Hunters from Susquehanna, Pa., while excavating for a hunt near Shohola's Glen, New York., discovered a cave in which they found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. It was swathed in rawhide trappings that kept it in a sitting posture...Near the skeleton were several bowls of reddish clay but almost as hard as flint. A rude stone tablet was found near the skeleton side covered with rude pictures of birds and beasts, among them one of a monster half beast, half reptile. A number of implements were also found in the cave, among them a huge ax made of stone and stone spear heads of unusual size." This was also reported in The Minneapolis Journal November 16, 1901. Here is a yet another account reporting giant artifacts along with a giant skeleton. Also, another stone tablet described of unusual design, writing or content. Normally, I leave out reports that don't give the measurements of the skeletons, this one had a little extra to make it compelling. I have hundreds of accounts describing skeletons of enormous size, of extraordinary size, of herculean size, of gigantic size or proportion etc… I usually leave these out because I don't want to listen to the whining of skeptics looking for a way to weasel in and undermine the veracity of the large body of evidence for this Anthropological mystery. But I think I’ve established the case for giants sufficiently that these accounts can speak for themselves.

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