Your Daily Giant 2/26/2013
Today's Daily Giant is reported in the Portsmouth Times July 28th, 1936. We are told that archaeologists were "mystified at finding the skeletons of men who were seven feet tall". In one photo Dr. Preston Holder points out the "unusual characteristics" of the skeletal finds. The article leads off by informing the reader of the following. "Perhaps the discovery of dinosaur bones on the North American continent created no more sensation in scientific circles than the recent revelations of prehistoric man lately developed of the coast of Georgia." The Smithsonian Institution sponsored the work and the lead archaeologist is Dr. Preston Holder. Dr M. F. Seltzer of the United States National Museum was dispatched to the scene and the head of the Smithsonian's Department of Anthropology Alex Hrdlicka examined some of the first skulls unearthed by Dr. Holder. The archaeologists used words like "sturdy" and "brawny" in describing the massiveness of the skeletal structure. What is obvious to any rational person, is that this is another case of the Smithsonian leading a dig where these remains simply vanish. If you contact the Smithsonian about any of these finds you get the same response as Stonebuilder friend Henry Chinaski recently did when contacting them about their position on this matter. "Thanks for your email and your interest in the Smithsonian's Human Origins Program. We are unaware of any scientifically verified evidence of any ancient populations of giants." This case perfectly illustrates how Anthropologists and Archaeologists could easily have no idea about this phenomena. The following shows you how evidence is passed through the information filter and sanitized of all that is troublesome. This particular dig was called the Sea Island Mound dig at Sea Island Georgia. It was a WPA dig, sponsored by the Smithsonian. It occurred from May to June 1936 and February to May 1937. The WPA project #'s were 165-34-3338 and 165-34-8031. I read through several books including The Georgia and South Carolina Coastal Expeditions of Clarence Moore 1998. A New Deal for Southeastern Archaeology by Edwin Lyon 1996 and finally started to understand after reading, Shovel Ready Archaeology and Roosevelt's New Deal for America by Bernard K. Means 2013. I could not find any mention of unusually large skeletons besides the initial well detailed article. The following is from Shovel ready. "The history of New Deal archaeology on the Georgia coast has remained obscure, because the foremost archaeologist of the coast, Preston Holder, was not permitted to publish the major results of his excavations. His superiors at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., at the Oculmegee National Monument in Macon, Georgia and at the Works Progress Administration(WPA) offices in Savannah Georgia, did not allow him to publish his highly detailed progress reports and strongly discouraged and effectively prevented him from developing a Columbia University Dissertation on the entire Georgia coast." When I present this evidence skeptics always say "Where are the skeletons?"
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