Friday, March 7, 2014

Your Daily Giant 4/21/2013

Today's Daily Giant comes from the Boston Evening Transcript, June 12, 1906 pg. 2. The article mostly discusses the finding of a stone spearhead considered the most symmetrical and best made ever found in Nebraska. Professor Charles F. Crowley of Creighton Medical College determined it was made of flint not found in that part of the country.

The spearhead is described thusly "One side of the stone is colored a lustrous cobalt blue, while the reverse is white. Held to the light it is of a beautiful translucent rose orange." The article continues, "An Omaha Archaeologist who has examined the implement declares it to be an arrowhead, and infers that it was probably used by one of the race of giants of which the legends of the Omaha tribe of Indians speak. One of the tribal secret societies which has existed far back in the history of the nation tells of a people who preceded them in this section of the world, the males of which were ten or twelve feet high. Some ancient mounds opened in this vicinity have shown skeletons between eight to ten feet long."

One of the side effects of denying the existence of giants, is the marginalization of Native American oral history as a superstitious and inaccurate record of the past by a unsophisticated people. Native oral history continues to be verified by science, from transmitting the correct geologic record of Lake Hitchcock in Western Massachusetts for over 10,000 years, to the accurate understanding of tsunami frequency on the Pacific Northwest coast over the last 3500 years, what we have is anything but unsophisticated. Native American oral history all around the country has passed down the same information, that giants were most certainly a reality. Another prickly matter for the skeptic to try and deny in an attempt to ignore an avalanche of evidence. Personally, I would have a very difficult time telling cultures that lived, thrived and observed here for thousands of years, that their people were all somehow mistaken and couldn't determine the height of people accurately. Good luck with that Professor Arrogant.

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