Your Daily Giant 5/11/2013
Today's Daily Giant continues the story of Peter Marx of Walnut Creek Arizona unearthing a giant skeleton. From the Weekly Journal-Miner, July 26, 1911, pg 6 is reported, "One of the most wonderful discoveries of prehistoric life that has ever been made in Arizona, was reported yesterday by Peter Marx, of Juniper, and corroborated by E. S. Clark, attorney, which reveals the existence of a race of people, that is not generally accredited to the primitive era, in the huge proportions of a skeleton that is now in the possession of Mr. Marx. In detailing what was discovered by mere accident on his farm early in the present week, Mr. Marx gave the following interesting account of his discovery. "The bones of this monstrous human may have represented a race of men or a single individual. At any rate, the skeleton of the man in my possession, is sufficiently complete so that the dimensions, which are astounding, may be accurately ascertained and so far as the present generation is to be considered from what I can learn, there is no comparison to be formed. In the first place the skull is of such an abnormal size that if the average man of this day placed it over his head, he still would find room to move it backwards and forwards and up and down with ease, without disturbing his natural position. From measurements taken of this skull, a number 10 hat would be required to fit it. The teeth, several of which are still imbedded in the jawbone, substantiate the immense size of the head. As to the bones, there is no disputing the fact that the owner was symmetrically formed of immense size and herculean strength. The thigh and lower limbs indicate at least twice the size of the average man of today." Marx goes on to describe artifacts found including what he calls a plumb bob of stone. This obscure artifact was found mentioned many times with giant skeletal finds, often called a sinker it may have been a charm stone used by ancient races as concluded by author Fritz Zimmerman. Peter Marx and his ranch are listed in The Smithsonian Annual report from 1911 because of the stone ruins found on his property. I spoke with the National Park Service and they informed me that the Marx ranch is now on private land. The other turn of this story is reported in the Arizona Journal Miner October 13, 1911, pg 3, titled "Refuses to sell skeleton of Giant". Mr. Marx was visited by a Mr. Shoupe from the Smithsonian who took pictures of the skeleton and offered to buy it, Marx refused to sell, at least at that moment. From the article, "Mr. Shoupe the former an attaché of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, who made the long journey especially for the purpose of viewing the frame of the giant of other days, was provided with photographic instruments and took several pictures of the freak. He also desired to take it to Washington but this request was held up by Mr. Marx until later, and after he ascertains whether Arizona desires it for its probable state museum." The Smithsonian should at least have photographs of this skeleton, don't you think?

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