Saturday, March 8, 2014

Your Daily Giant 5/12/2013

Today's Daily Giant reveals further corroboration of the giant skeleton find by Peter Mark of Walnut Creek Arizona in 1911. As reported, an attaché, Mr. Shoupe from the Smithsonian visited Mr. Marx, photographed the skeleton which was reported to be enormous, with a skull so large that it could be put over ones head with room to spare and attempted to purchase it. The Marx ranch's description and stone ruins appears in several Smithsonian publications such as Jesse Walter Fewkes, Casa Grande Arizona, 1913 pg. 213.

"Ruin near Marx's Ranch house. Artificial mounds are found on terraces among the cedars on the right bank of Walnut Creek almost to its mouth. One of these mounds, opposite Mr. Peter Marx's house, is particularly interesting. This ruin (pl 98.) consists of two parts- a rectangular enclosure, oriented north and south, and a nearly circular mound about 100 feet to the west. Large ancient cedars grow on the mound and also within the rectangular enclosure. The decorated pottery found here varies in color and design."

I imagine the round burial mound mentioned is the one that washed out to reveal the giant skeleton that Mr. Marx found. From the Prescott Journal Miner, February 11, 1913 pg 2 is reported another find of a giant skeleton not long after and near the Marx find. From the paper, "A prehistoric graveyard on Sycamore creek, where the grade of the Verde railway passes through, has been uncovered by a crew of laborers under the direction of Conductor C. W. Corbin, in performing certain excavations to improve the roadway. There has thus been revealed a very interesting situation that prevailed at some time or another, in the physical make-up of a race as is reflected in the remains that have been recovered, and which are indisputable of a giant type of humanity that is bewildering to those of this generation. The skull of a human is in the possession of Mr. Corbin together with a portion of the frame that would indicate one who in life must have attained a height of at least eight feet. The sides of the face are severed but when placed in their natural position, on the head of the living they were so massive as to shield the features like unto a perfect mask. The bones of the legs likewise are of great length and heavier than any of this day. The mammoth skeleton is a duplicate of that discovered some months ago by Peter Marx on Walnut creek which the owner retains in his possession."

I don't imagine I need to connect the dots on this one but I guess I will. Another skeleton describing the same anatomical peculiarities mentioned all throughout the country often in obscure and lengthy town histories and scientific journals, such as an enormous skull, massive jawbone, massive and heavy bone structure and over eight feet. Besides quite a few Anthropologists and Archaeologists many of these reports are from respected and regular citizens such as doctors, farmers, railroad workers etc.. These are not conflicted academics busy defending incorrect theories and ignoring anomalies but upon further research, are oftentimes revealed as salt of the earth people, often mentioned prominently for their good deeds and high character. Once again, you don't need to be a physical Anthropologist to determine something strange is going on if you are wearing a skull helmet.

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