Your Daily Giant 5/13/2013
Today's Daily Giant comes from the Meriden Record, August 5, 1947, pg 2. Actually, this story ran in several newspapers that year, some of which I have included, and caused quite a stir. The articles describe mummies found 8 to 9 feet tall. The account is as follows, "Howard E. Hill of Los Angeles, speaking before the Transportation Club, disclosed that several well preserved mummies were taken Sunday from the caverns in an area roughly 180 miles square extending through much of Southern Nevada from Death Valley, California, across the Colorado River into Arizona. Hill said the discoverer is Dr. F. Bruce Russell, retired Cincinnati Physician, who came across the first of several tunnels in 1931, shortly after coming West and deciding to try mining for his health. Not until this year, however, did Dr. Russell go into the situation thoroughly, Hill told the luncheon. With Dr. Daniel S. Bovee of Los Angeles-who with his father helped open up New Mexico's cliff dwellings-Dr. Russell has found mummified remains together with implements of the civilization. Hill said in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the Masonic Order...He said the explorers believe that what they found was the burial place of the tribe's hierarchy. Hieroglyphics are chiseled he added on carefully polished granite. He said Dr. Viola V. Petitt of London, who made excavations around Petra, on the Arabian Desert, shortly will begin an inspection of the remains." Philip Rife, author of "The Goliath Conspiracy", covers this story also in his book. From page 65, Russell reportedly escorted a group of potential investors to the scene of his discovery. One witness described the cavern as "chock full of bizarre artifacts of all kinds." Not long afterwards, Russell's car was found abandoned in Death Valley with a burst radiator. His fate was never learned. Without him to guide them, subsequent searchers were unable to find the entrance to the caverns again." There are in fact quite a few accounts of ancient long stone halls in caves with "Strange Hieroglyphs" reported, particularly out West. Rife's book has many of these accounts covered and more often than not they end with a strange twist like the outright disappearance of the original finder. There seems to be a sinister side to this whole subject and it appears related to finds of evidence of ancient civilizations that indicated a highly advanced state, long before is thought possible. Hugh Newman made a good point in our recent Red Ice interview, that the U.S. Government now is the property owner of many of these sites where giant remains and strange ancient relics have been reported. Places like White Sands missile range in New Mexico, now off limits to the public where the finding of the remains of an ancient city was reported in 1893 by the respected Scientific Journal American Antiquarian, "It's walls in some places are eight feet thick, 40 feet high and several hundred feet long. A great aqueduct conveyed water to the city, but today there is no running water within 40 miles of this ancient wonder." As well as the following, "The surveyors found the ruins of gigantic stone buildings made in the most substantial manner and of grand proportion. One of them was four acres in extent. All indications around the ruins point to the existence here at one time of a dense population. No legend of any kind exists as to how this great city was destroyed or when it was abandoned." America Antiquarian also had multiple reports of Smithsonian agents finding and/or crating up giant skeletons.

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